1. Point Pillar & History
paper:PointPillars: Fast Encoders for Object Detection from Point Clouds
graph TB PointNet --> Second --> PointPillar PointNet --> VoxelNet-->CenterPoint
2. pipeline
(1) A feature encoder network that converts a point cloud to a sparse pseudoimage; (2) a 2D convolutional backbone to process the pseudo-image into high-level representation; (3) a detection head that detects and regresses 3D boxes.
graph TB
pts(points cloud) --> A[pts to pseudo-image]
A --> B[2D CNN Net Backbone]
B -->C[SSD Head]
2.1 pointcloud to pseudo-image
graph TB pt(x,y,z,reflectance) --> aug1[augment 1:distance to the arithmetic mean of all points in the pillar] pt --> aug2[augment 2:offset from the pillar x,y center] aug1 --> pt_aug1(x_c,y_c,z_c) aug2 --> pt_aug2(x_p,y_p) pt --> aug_pt(x,y,z,x_c,y_c,z_c,x_p,y_p, D=dim=9) pt_aug1 --> aug_pt pt_aug2 --> aug_pt aug_pt --> sampler[sampler:\nif too much data, randomly sampling;\nif not enough, zero padding] sampler --> sampled_feature(shape: D,P,N \nD:number of augmented pt dims \nP:number of pillars of an sample \nN: number of augmented pts in a pillar) sampled_feature --> PointNet[PointNet:\nConv1X1\n BN \n ReLU \n cross-channelor called channel-wise maxPooling] PointNet --> Voxelized_feature(Voxelized_feature:\n shape:C,P) Voxelized_feature --> ppscatter[ppscatter] ppscatter --> pseudo-image(pseudo-image\nshape:C,H,W)
如何解决lidar pts不均匀的问题? ppillar需要对每个pillar中的点云进行随机采样或者padding。VoxelNet使用了element-wise max pooling,将每个voxel中的点云特征进行聚合,得到一个固定维度的特征向量。
2.2 Backbone
2.2 Head
SSD Head: Assignment: BEV 2D IoU + maybe Hungarian match
3.1 Network
It seems that the origin network differs the Vehicle detection and pedestrian/cyclist detection from two different backbones.
3.2 Loss
3.3 Data Augmentation
- db Sampler;
- instance rotation abd trabslations
- mirroring flip along x axis + global rotation and scaling
- apply global translation with x,y,z from N(0,0.2) to simulate localization noise.
- more point decorations.During the lidar point decoration step, we perform the VoxelNet decorations plus two additional decorations:xp and yp which are the x and y offset from the pillar x, ycenter.
6. remove per box data augmentation which were used in VoxelNet and SECOND.